Industrial windows

We make industrial windows, aluminum swing and sliding windows, security doors:

The activity of carlo nobili concerns the design, construction and application of types of windows with aluminum profile frames according to multiple formal expressions and based on the main techniques of thermal break, mechanical and hygrometric resistance, water and air tightness, durability and maintainability.

The types of frames, studied directly by its own technical office or elaborated in collaboration with skills and companies with a recognized presence in the sector, are specified with respect to the performance calculation with respect to energy needs and consumption reduction, for the intervention both towards the new construction and towards building renovation.

All systems used by carlo nobili are equipped with a latest generation thermal insulation system, the aluminum window systems combine cutting-edge technologies in the field of security and the convenience of maximum ease of use with the elegance of their design.

progettazione serramenti profili schuco

Hinged windows

The new generations of Schüco AWS (Aluminium Window System) windows and Metra HES (High Energy Savingunisce) system are designed for all needs, even at an industrial and commercial level.

The new window generations meet the complex requirements of forward-looking and sustainable architecture.
They are compatible with the Schüco ADS and Metra HDS door programs.

Sliding windows

carlo nobili makes use of systems for aluminum frames expressly developed for automatic pedestrian entrances.

The wide range of solutions allows sliding doors to fit perfectly into any architectural context, characterizing the entrance with elegance and harmony, in compliance with the strictest regulations in force.

Achievable in the most varied configurations and colors for the most appropriate solution, thanks to the ductility of aluminium.

Can be equipped with devices which, in case of emergency, with a simple push, allow immediate break-out opening, without any damage and with subsequent restoration of the original functionality of the entrance.

Suitable for use as escape routes (TUV approval).

serramenti scorrevoli e a battente
vie di fuga
Attestato IRCCOS porte Metra
Attestato IRCCOS porte Schuco

Emergency doors on escape routes

An external pedestrian door becomes an “Emergency exit along escape routes” door when it is identified as such in an evacuation plan.

These doors must necessarily be CE marked in Sac1, therefore they must be CE marked as ESCAPE DOORS.

The same requirement can simply be requested by the client as a contractual requirement, even in activities not subject to the control of the fire brigade but equipped with their own evacuation plan pursuant to safety in the workplace (Legislative Decree 81/08).

A normal door to which a panic bar is fitted is not necessarily an escape route door.

carlo nobili has obtained the certification for “the construction and marking of doors on escape routes” . Certificates n° 1994-CPD-CE-0012 and 1994-CPD-CE-0013 were issued by the certifying institute IRcCOS, as a notified body recognized by the European Community.

The doors along the escape routes are contemplated by the general standard of UNI EN 14351-1:2010 doors and windows.

The carlo nobili constructor, through the Factory Production Control Plan (FPC) and the process production and installation, must verify the functionality within thrust parameters of the release devices. The end user must provide for the maintenance of these release devices.

The legislation obliges periodic maintenance of the panic bars and of the functionality of the doors on escape routes, noting the operations in a special register available to the Fire Brigade (Presidential Decree 37 of 12/01/98).