
serrande per negozi e garage


Single-walled or blind insulated metal shutters, made of galvanized steel, stainless steel or aluminum, ideal for ensuring protection for medium-large sizes.

Metal mesh shutters, ideal for ensuring protection in places where visibility is required.

Single-walled shutters with micro-perforated fabric to ensure protection and visibility, giving a high-level aesthetic value.

Fire doors

Marketing and installation of fully galvanized and painted metal fire-rated swing doors, frame made with a highly robust profile, ideal for large doors or in case of application on inconsistent walls.

Certified and approved in the following classifications, for application on masonry and plasterboard walls, fixing with clamps – dowels – subframe:

  • REI 30 UNI 9723 compliant with one leaf
  • REI 60 UNI 9723 compliant, with one or two leaves
  • REI 120 UNI 9723 compliant, with one or two leaves

Sliding doors

Metal fire door, fully galvanized and primed.

The supply includes the counterweight self-closing systems and release thermal fuse, the sliding guides, the protective casings and the sealing labyrinths.

Certified and homologated in the following classifications:

  • REI 120 compliant with UNI 9723 with one and two facing leaves
  • REI 180 UNI 9723 compliant with one leaf